Remember to Blink – Four Ways to Win The Week

I can type as fast as you can talk. It’s my superhero skill, particularly useful during chats with clients. Because people will say brilliant things. And I want to get every bit.

Some weeks go by in a blink. Consecutive work-till-midnight days juggling back-to-back-to-back calls and projects and meetings. Bleary-eyed early mornings checking in to make sure we got every bit. Still, we forget. We forget to make time for ourselves.


In the midst of last week’s dizzying rush, I found an unexpected oasis of calm during a conference call to shape a FISH! Philosophy event. The client spoke with a joyful lilt about what she wanted to create in the room and I was carried away by our shared objective: To mix business needs with personal connections.

“It’s like my eye doctor said,” she said. “Because sometimes I stare at the computer too long, and my eyes get dry. Remember to blink.”

“What?” I paused my fingers in their frantic keyboard race, confused about why we were suddenly taking a virtual visit to the eye doctor.

“Remember to blink. It was an ah-ha for me. Remember to blink is about not keeping my head and eyes in my work all day, taking time to bring in things and thoughts around me, outside of numbers and emails and spreadsheets and websites.”

Fascinated, I waited. Breathing in what she’d say next.

“To shift focus, change posture, enjoy the moment and appreciate where I am, the beautiful things in my day.”

I stood up, stretched, stepped to the window, looked outside, and noticed the prettiness of the day.

“Thanks,” I said. “That’s brilliant.”

Four Ways to Win The Week
1. Remember to Blink
2. Breath
3. Stretch
4. Say thanks

With gratitude to Pat Gurnon, Controller at ChartHouse Learning, home of the FISH! Philosophy.