It’s easier, I think, to market an inanimate thing.  Say… this pepper shaker.  Every morning, when you wake up, this pepper shaker is basically the same.  Same shape, same pepper, same shaker.


What if you are marketing your personal brand?  And say… every morning you wake up to you… the brand new you?  New shape, new pepper, new shaker?  What do you do?

You get comfortable with the uncomfortable truth that each of us is new and fresh and full of unexpected spice, each day of our life.  That we might not be able to contain or define the particular flavor of what we’ll bring to that day.  That we might need to speak in general terms about our vigor until we find the particular project where our pep might be best placed.

So…what to do?

  1. Figure out the ingredients of your awesomesauce. Write a list of the ingredients you bring to the deliciousness of life, each day for seven days.  Are you enthusiastic?  Measured?  Reliable?  Are you good at numbers?  Well versed in verse?  Able to paint a visual picture of what needs doing?  Write a list.  Keep track.  Catalog your top three talents, each and every day, for seven days, until you have 21.
  2. Concoct a master blend.  What bubbles to the top?  Looking at your list, which of the 21 qualities are most prevalent?  Are there repeats?  Things that make you smile, giggle, blush, or straighten up with pride?  Put the top five in your master blend.
  3. Shake it up.  Consider where you can spice up your life – and more importantly the lives of others – with your own special mixture of awesomesauce.  Who would benefit from your gifts and talents?  Make a list of top three contenders.
  4. Pick a “pepper”.  Choose one aspect of your world where you’d like to shake it up, make a difference, have impact, create memories, build a future, and do that.  Do it with all the doing.  Fear and uncertainty? Shake it off.  Shake what your mamma gave you.  Be proud of your personal brand.

You get it, you got it, go get ‘em!
Love, Propellergirl